CRank: 5Score: 27710

oohhh well look at this, you guys must be programmers and game devs to really know which CPU is better, right? i mean you just know because you favor a console over the other huh? Bunch of retards

5689d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

personally i love bungie the most. Even if you dont like Halo, you cant deny that they arent true to their fans.

deal worked with MS to make all map packs free after a few months? nice.

Multiplayer playlists consistently updated and changed every month to ensure a dynamic online experience? fantastic.

Super online protection that bans cheaters and idiots on a daily basis to make the experience better? Check.

Cold Storage Map for free on Halo...

5695d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

the sad thing about this guys rant is:

1) He bought something he hates five times. Wait, what?

2)NXE problems are the avatars and its over-advertising, not necessarily its navigation.

3)Halo 3 is actually the best in the series. Many people feel its not as good as the older ones because Halo 3 tried to level the playing field, so that its harder for ultra-skilled people to utterly dominate low-average skilled players who dont spend their lives playing ha...

5698d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

just because killzone 2 has amazing graphics doesnt make it the best game ever.

5698d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

buddy, you need to keep your day job because spewing out nonsense like that surely doesn't pay off does it?

Your lack of intelligence flatters me though, really it does.

5700d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 has a great line up this year. Exclusives like Alan Wake, Halo Wars, Ninja Blade, Forza 3, Splinter Cell Conviction, The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena, three exclusive Fallout 3 expansions =), GTA 4 DLC, and the Halo 3 campaign expansion, cant wait! This is much more than i will have the money for!

Then theres multiplatform titles like STREET FIGHTER 4, Alpha Protocol, HAWX, Fear 2, Fight Night Round 4, Bionic Commando, I Am Alive(which may make it this year), Red Factio...

5700d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

oh yea? when bullets are flying at you, i guarantee 100% you will be smacking and slapping yourself against walls and slabs of concrete to take cover(like gears), not flowing with fluidness into cover(like drakes fortune). Now wouldnt you agree?

5701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

again i say its not about what invented the cover system.....

its about the innovation of the cover system....*sigh* illiterate people are frustrating

5701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its not about what invented it its about what made the cover system innovative.

gears did that.

5701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gears did innovate the cover system. Its so easy to use a 5 year old could do it, but it can be used so strategically which is what makes gears copies sell. Of course other games used a cover system before gears, but gears innovated it by making it crucial to survival and revamping the ease-of-use and the way its used.

Oh wait that cant be because this is a 360 game!!!!/sarcasm

5701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Helghast Slayer, that must be one of the most poorly and ignorantly typed posts ive ever seen before in my life.

Seeing is how ive owned a 360 for over 3 years now, i have to say that comment you made above is rather biased, not thought out, and quite frankly, stupid.

The 360 is a thriving platform that has many great critically acclaimed exclusives and multiplatform games. Ive met some really great people on xbox live that i love to play with, not to mention some of...

5701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

so its ok when Killzone 2 doesnt really add much that is new but apparently according to most N4G users its not ok if Halo 3 didnt re-invent the genre either?

Halo 3 had the innovative Forge map editor, the theater system that lets you take screenshots and film clips of your matches, the amazingly flexible custom games lobby that lets you create the exact gametype you want, then Halo 3 has a fileshare system to let you advertise and send everything to your friends, then log onto ...

5701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If any Sony exclusive doesnt get near perfect reviews they are obviously a biased failure of a reviewer on Micrsoft's payroll. Clearly KZ2 doesnt deserve below a 10 even though no one has played the full game yet./End of sarcasm/
Chances are it will be a solid shooter with awesome graphics, but other than being eyecandy it probably will not mindblowing, as many reviews are trying to point out through the drowning crowd of Sony fanboys flaming them for not dishing 10's and "Best S...

5704d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i dont care. Im perfectly content with playing Halo 3, the superior console version of Fallout 3, Gears, and many other FPS's and RPG's that i own and will continue to buy for my 360 elite. I love my 8 person party chat, its extremely enjoyable to talk and exchange details to my buddies while we are all playing Fallout 3 or our individual favorite games. Video chat is hilarious, avatars are funny to mess around with, playing all the arcade games the marketplace has to offer is also a plus. I ...

5712d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

oh man, its awesome to think of how great it would be to get a PS3 fanboy into a match with a really good Halo player. There would be nothing left for the Halo dude to stomp after a couple minutes. the amount of strategy that goes into Halo is something a ps3 troll cant even imagine. The only people who run and gun in Halo are the ones that dont know what they are doing. Halo seems so simple on the outside and for the experienced, its so much more.

Someone above said those who p...

5714d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3 got a 9.5. Killzone 2 got a 9.4. Eat it up fanboys. You can post post post but it wont change anything. Halo 3 scored higher, will sell more, and will still have more online players than KZ2. These are cold facts.

opinion is a different matter. If you like KZ2 better fine. It wont make me enjoy Halo 3 any less

5715d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

The 360 version of COD4 did not sell as many copies as Halo 3 did, did not receive better reviews, and as of the first week of January 09, according to IGN, COD4 ranks #4 of most played on XBL while Halo 3 ranks #2. COD WaW is #1, but Halo 3 is a year older. WaW also was not better received or sell as many copies as Halo 3 either. Halo has not been killed, and most importantly i dont think Halo 3 should have been killed.

5716d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you just dont like them because the Covenant are not stereotypically covered in browns, grays, and blacks, look disgusting, have really sharp teeth, etc etc etc, you know the usual and unoriginal alien appearance

covenant are better than chimera, lucust and helghast because they are hard to fight and deadly, but they also wear richly colored armor and have vividly colored vehicles and ships. I love it, because its different and pleasing to the eye. Having bright colors as opposed...

5717d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

In terms of graphics, yes. In terms of everything else, no.

Will i be able to make my own maps in Killzone 2, then send them to all my friends? Will i be able to make my own extremely(and i mean extremely)detailed and varied gametypes to go along with my created maps the send to my friends in Killzone 2? Will Killzone 2 have a feature that saves Campaign and multiplayer clips so i can send them to all my friends? Will Killzone 2 have a fileshare system to store all this content o...

5717d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

RE5 does look better than Killzone 2. The PS3 fanboys are holding on to Killzone 2's "Best looking console game" thing so dearly that they wont let anyone tell them the truth. Killzone 2 looks awesome but not as awesome as everyone is saying it is.

There is a world outside of N4G Sony fans. Here, everyones got each others back if anything bad is said about PS3. Hide here and gang up on the 20% of non-ps3 owners all you want. Outside, its a much different story. Sorry t...

5717d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment